DFA Exercises

DFA Exercises
1.      Give a DFA for Σ = {0 1} and strings that have an odd number of 1’s and any number
of 0’s.
2.      Give a DFA for Σ = {a; b; c} that accepts any string with aab as a substring.
3.      Give a DFA for Σ = {a; b} that accepts any string with aababb as a substring.
4.      Suppose you are given many texts (strings) T1; : : : ; Tn and one pattern string P. You
want to determine which texts have the pattern P as a substring. What is the total
runtime of doing this using DFAs?
5.      Draw a DFA for the language 'all strings with 011 as a substring', over sigma={0, 1}
6.      Design DFA which accepts language  L = {0,000,00000,……} over {0}
7.      Design a DFA for the language L = {ban/ n ≥0}.
8.      Design DFA over {a,b} to accept strings which does not contains two consecutive b's
9.      Design a DFA (deterministic finite automaton) to accept the language L1 = nα {a, b, c} | α starts and ends with the same symbol
10.  Let Σ = {a; b}. Construct a DFA for the languages
1. { x 2 Σ* | x starts with three consecutive a’s}.
2. { x 2 Σ* | x contains a substring of three consecutive a’s}.
3. { x 2 Σ* | length of the string x is even}.
4. { x 2 Σ* | length of the string x is divisible by 3}.
5. { x 2 Σ* | length of the string x is divisible by 2 or 3}.
11.   Can you construct an DFA for the languages given below:
1. {anbn | 1 ≤ n ≤ 5}.
2. {anbn | 1 ≤ n ≤ 100}.
3. {(ab)n | 1 ≤ n ≤ 100}.
4. {anbn| n ≥ 1}.
5. {(ab)n | n ≥ 1}.


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