how to free port 80 in windows
his classical situation today when I was trying to run Apache on Windows (Basically the WAMP package called as vertrigo ). I was getting the error message while trying to run Vertrigo (apache) that port 80 is being used and for my amusement, I never had other servers running to use port 80. However, I wanted to dwell deeper and hence I ran the following command to see which process was using port 80. Start Command Prompt Hit the combination key of Windows+R (or start run window) Type cmd and hit enter. This will open the command prompt Check which process is using port 80 On the command prompt window, type the following command. netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 You’ll see an outcome like the one below. The last column is what is called as the process ID column. Open Task Manager to check the process ID Right click on the taskbar to open the the task manager . Go to the Proces...
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